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Sunday, September 17, 2023

Recap of the Research Methodology & Academic Writing Series 2023

Hello, dear patrons! 

We're excited to share with you the highlights of the "One-Week Research Methodology & Academic Writing Series 2023," a program that recently took place at the East Campus Learning Resource Center, Sacred Heart College (Autonomous). This comprehensive series of sessions spanned from September 11th to September 19th and aimed to equip our second-year postgraduate students with vital research skills and academic writing techniques tailored to their respective fields of study.

Sessions Area
Image 1 Session:1
Introduction to Research
Dr. C.S. Francis, Vice-Principal, East Campus
Image 2 Session:2
Identifying Research Gaps using Research Databases
Mr. Biju V.V., College Librarian (UGC)
Image 2 Session:3 (a)

Research Methodology and Problem Identification
Dr. Radhika P.C, CMNPF
Image 2 Session:3 (b)
Research in English Language and Literature
(For ENG)
Dr. Gayathri P.J., Assistant Professor (HoD) & Team, Dept. of English
Image 2 Session:4
Research Proposal Development
Dr. Liya Peter, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Commerce
Image 2 Session:5 (a)
Citing Sources (APA Style) & Avoiding Plagiarism
Mr. Mahesh Palamuttath, Librarian, ECLRC
Image 2 Session:5 (b)
Citing Sources in Literature (MLA Style)
(For ENG)
Mr. Abhijith Radhakrishnan, Assistant Professor, Dept. of English
Image 2 Session:6
Data Sampling, Collection, and Analysis
Mr. Jose M.C., Professor, Statistics
Image 2 Session:7
Research Reporting, Writing, and Discussion
Dr. Jisna N., Assistant Professor & HoD, Dept. of Management

A Resounding Success

The "One-Week Research Methodology & Academic Writing Series 2023" garnered positive feedback from both students and instructors. It provided a well-rounded education in research skills and academic writing techniques tailored to the specific needs of various disciplines.

Our students who attended these sessions are now better prepared to embark on their research endeavors and produce quality academic writing. This program aligns seamlessly with our college's commitment to fostering a culture of research and academic excellence.

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to all the instructors for their invaluable contributions and eagerly anticipate similar initiatives in the future.


- Team LRC

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